North Carolina
This year it was Tammy's turn to choose, so we are down in New Bern North Carolina to visit her family. We left on Christmas Eve, which meant that we actually unwrapped gifts from each other (and from my family) on the 23rd, which was a little odd. She really loved the Falling Water Lego set I got her, and the foot tall Nene Thomas Fairy doll that I found. I got some neat books, some video games, and a 32 gig flash drive that I sorely needed.
The actual travel was a bit miserable. I wasn't feeling very well that day, and was half-asleep through the entire flight, except for when I made the mistake of trying to move my legs during the flights. I'm not very fond of the legroom they give you these days. We finally flew into Raleigh airport (which looked very nice) and had our two hour drive down to New Bern. (Usually we try to fly into New Bern's airport, but unfortunately all the flights were full when we went for tickets.)